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Canonical Edge Demo – AWS Deployment


Canonical Edge Demo - AWS Deployment

Microk8s cluster deployment on AWS via CAPI

In this demo, we will be deploying a microk8s cluster on AWS. The cluster consists of 3 control plane and 3 worker nodes. The deployment is performed using Cluster API (CAPI).

For the full demo, join us at MWC Barcelona 2023 where you’ll be able to see Spectro Cloud’s Palette automation engine deploying and managing Canonical’s MicroK8s Kubernetes distribution on Ubuntu OS with real-time kernel. Witness the capabilities to create, scale, upgrade, and destroy Kubernetes clusters, with demonstrations on AWS and Edge use cases.

Learn about Palette’s zero-impact upgrades and leveraging Kubernetes Cluster API (CAPI) by booking a session with us at MWC Barcelona 2023:

Date: February 23, 2023