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European Space Agency: Modernizing data and IT infrastructure to advancespace exploration with AI


European Space Agency: Modernizing data and IT infrastructure to advancespace exploration with AI

The European Space Agency (ESA) leads some of the most exciting and impactful space missions, from the Billion Star Survey to Euclid’s exploration of dark matter and energy. None of these missions would be possible without infrastructure. To expand its space mission capacity, ESA embarked on a journey to modernise its IT infrastructure and adopt an integrated set of
data management capabilities. Using this new infrastructure will enable the agency to reach new frontiers and adopt new AI-driven technologies, such as anomaly detection and long-term satellite health forecasting. Watch a 30-minute session to hear from ESA’s Space Operations Centre managers, who sit on the front line of these new developments.

To learn more about their collaboration with Canonical, read our case study:

Date: March 17, 2025