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IPD – Terraform and You: Have No Fear, HCL is Here


IPD - Terraform and You: Have No Fear, HCL is Here

This session is for both Instructors and Students that are part of Cisco Networking Academy.

The new CCNA exam topics includes items within an automation domain, including those focused around Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools, such as Terraform. But what is Terraform? How do you use it? What are its components? Why should you care about it?

In this session, we’ll explore the concepts required for the CCNA exam as well as extending those Terraform concepts within the use of both on-prem and cloud. We’ll cover the syntax of HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), how to write Terraform plans, and use that plan to drive changes in end-devices, ensuring not only theoretical, but practical Terraform knowledge. As always, code will be provided to explore at your own pace as well.

Date: January 22, 2025