FX Mentorship Showcase
Speakers: Asmit Malakannawar, prateek singh, Deepesha Burse, Akshay Gaikwad, Shubham Gupta, Songlin Jiang, Aritra Bhaduri, Ashish Kumar, Arunima Chaudhuri, Javier Carrasco Cruz, Mahesh Raju Kasbe, Priyansh Mehta, Prince, Andrew Kanner, Roshan Swain, Yash Raj Singh, Hrushikesh Rao Naidnur
Hosted by Greg Kroah-Hartman, Kernel Maintainer & Fellow, The Linux Foundation
1. Empowering Newcomers: A Journey of Learning Through Open Source Mentorship Programs. – Prateek Singh, Fountaine LCC
2. Evolving Beyond the Label: Creating a New Identity for ORAS – Asmit Malakannawar, Biorce
3. Navigating the ORASphere – Restructuring the Documentation of ORAS – Deepesha Burse, LFX Mentee at ORAS Project (Student)
4. Secure Your Container Projects: A Guide to OCI Hooks and Avoiding CRI Socket Pitfalls – Akshay Gaikwad, InfraCloud Technologies
5. Fully Automated Release and Code Review with CI/CD: Case Study from Kubescape – Songlin Jiang, Aalto University
6. An Adventure through the Linux Kernel – Javier Carrasco Cruz, WolfVision GmbH
7. Impact of LFX Mentorship: My Learnings at Carvel and the Journey Beyond – Ashish Kumar, India Institute of Technology
8. Diving into Zowe App Store & How OSS Transformed Me? – Priyansh Mehta, Open Mainframe Project
9. Empowering Open Source: My Journey with the Open Mainframe Project’s Software Discovery Tool – Prince, IIIT Gwalior
10. Linux Kernel Bug Fixing Experience – Andrew Kanner, CloudLinux
11. From Console to VS Code: Build Reasonably Easy Extensions – Roshan Swain, MathWorks
12. Crafting Prometheus Exporters From Scratch – Yash Raj Singh, Syself
13. Fast and Portable Media Processing Functions with Server Side Wasm – N. Hrushikesh Rao, Goldman Sachs
Virtual Presenter: Transforming Mainfames: My Zowe-Python SDK Journey – Abdul Samad Siddiqui, Modularity AI
Closing Remarks by Greg Kroah-Hartman, Kernel Maintainer & Fellow, The Linux Foundation